The very many people and nations that hate pain, resist pain or avoid pain ironically experience the worst kind of pain owing to poverty, lack, sicknesses, disease and premature deaths.Pain is defined as a highly unpleasant physical sensation or mental suffering caused by injury or illness. As humans, we suffer both physical and mental injuries; we do suffer at both dimensions.The unpleasant nature of pain however, isthe main reason many of us avoid it.But truth be told, as much as we try to avoid pain, we, every now and again, go through very painful experiences. We suffer both physical and mental injury quite frequently.But do you realise God deliberately allowsus go through pain in life because, as a matter of fact, the fear of pain, the fear of suffering, the desire to protect ourselves from unpleasant painful experiences is basically the driving force behind creativity?Imagine a world where everything is perfect, all you need and want is provided, safety and security guaranteed and you need not hustle or chase anything to survive, and you need not struggle for anything in life as all you need in life is provided for, I guarantee you, your brain will lose its ability to reason creatively. Mankind shall be relegated to the level of lower animals, mankind, though a superior being, will become indifferent to everything around.As we inhabit this earth and cohabit in this life, the presence and possibility of pain and suffering is what triggers our minds to come up with solutions and escape from pain and hurt.All man made things, all inventions are aimed at making life easier, better and more comfortable for mankind. Everything created by man is to reduce the suffering and hardship mankind goes through in this life. Creativity is simply the ability to come up with solutions to situations. It's about coming up with better ways of doing things and in this case, “better”, means less stressful ways of achieving greater results in life.We build houses to protect us and our properties from the possible pain caused by the elements of the sun, wind and rain if they hit us directly and even predators who will want to take away what's ours. We invent cars to make mobility and travel less stressful, we invent clothes forprotection, covering and comfort; we invent computers and phones to make contacts, communication and interactioneasier. Every profession, every course studied at the university is established toinvent and enhance quality solutions in various aspects of human endeavour, be it health care, engineering, agriculture, technology, you name it. The aim of everydiscipline is creativity, and the purpose ofcreativity is problem solving and solving a problem is basically taking away the distress, suffering, discomfort and pain caused by that problem.Therefore pain should not be looked at from the stand point of impact on man but from the stand point of purpose for man. That is the way you can actually make good use of your pain.Ladies and gentlemen we all go through pain and you may probably be going through one right now. A wrong reaction to your pain is self-pity. A wrong reaction to your pain is self-blame. A wrong reaction to your pain is blaming others. A wrong reaction to your pain is blaming the society. A wrong reaction to your painis blaming your past. A wrong reaction to your pain is fear. A wrong reaction to yourpain is panic. A wrong reaction to your pain is hopelessness. A wrong reaction to your pain is vengeance. A wrong reaction to your pain is giving up.When you go through pain, your pain has a message. Every pain has a message, instead of crying and complaining and wallowing in that pain, pay attention to the message.The pain of a headache is a message thatsomething is wrong in your body. The pain in your stomach is a message that something is not right in your tummy. When you feel these pains, you just don't keep languishing and lamenting and blaming, you take in the message and address what could be wrong in your body.Every pain carries a message, the message explains the purpose of the pain. Dear friend, what is the message of the pain you're experiencing right now?Dear friends, one of the most severe pains in this world is the pain of child birth. The pain of labour carries a message that it is time to bring forth a new life. It says it is time for a child to be born.Why is pain necessary in the bringing forth of a new child if I may ask? Can't child birth be painless? Must it come withso much pain? What exactly is the purpose of labour pain? I would tell you. The intensity of pain you feel and endure in creating or birthing anything will to a large extent determine how much value you'd attach or place on whatever you've brought forth.Whatever is delivered cheaply will be treated cheaply. I believe the primary purpose of labour pain is for mankind to attach the required value and worth to childbirth and procreation.When, especially mothers remember or think of the pain of birthing their babies, they love, value and appreciate that child and give that child the uttermost love, care, attention and protection.For any woman to birth a baby she must conceive, she must take in, she must be pregnant. When it is time for her to bring forth her baby, pain tells her it is time. Labour pangs tell her it's time to birth her baby. If she focuses on the effect of the pain and ignores the message of the painshe could lose the child or even her own life.Ladies and gentlemen, all humans have the capacity to bring forth. We are designed by God to be fruitful, we are expected to multiply, we are wired to replenish. All of us by nature can conceive, all of us by design can bring forth.As humans especially Africans, we pay too much attention to bringing forth our physical children and we forget that all of us could get mentally pregnant.Many years ago, through what you saw and heard in life, you conceived something in your mind; you became pregnant with a dream. You conceived and began to carry that dream, and you daily nurtured the dream and the dream began to grow day by day in your mental womb.Unfortunately, due to social distractions and easier choices, many of us forgot all about our pregnant minds; our mental babies. Though we occasionally remember, we tend to relegate it based on seeming survival priorities. It's called social and financial security.Dear friend, are you currently going through so much pain in life? Are you suffering severely in your finances, your career, your business, your wellbeing andyour quality of life? Your biggest error is to see the pain as just pain forgetting every pain carries a message.If today you're going through hard times and things are perhaps very difficult, this pain perhaps, is your labour pain, it's timefor you to bring forth your brain child. Through pain you bring forth your womb child and through pain you bring forth your brain child.The only solution to physical labour pain is to deliver the child in the womb. The only solution to mental labour pain is to bring forth the child in the brain – your brain child. If you don't, the child would die and you may lose your mental womb and may never be able to conceive again mentally.The pain of job loss, the pain of rising prices, the pain of rising bills, the pain of salary cut, the pain of salaries owed, the pain of scarcity, the pain of not being ableto make ends meet and the pain of economic hardship constitute your mental labour pain telling you it's time to bring forth your brain child. What is that great idea you have? Isn't it time you acted on it?Dear friend, it's time to build a life independent of your socio economic environment. Its time you build a life where you determine your own income. Its time you embrace a scope where you earn income beyond the shores of your country. Its time you become unlimited by your immediate environment. Your dream is your brain child. Your ideas are the children in your mental womb. Let this pain push you to bring forth that dream and ideas conceived long ago. Don't let them die, bring them forth now. Dear friend, pain is common to all, endureyour own pain as the price for success in birthing your dreams and ideas and not the punishment for failure and indifference in life. The labour pains are real and here, come on bring forth your brain child.